Super guarantee opt-out for high income earners now law
From 1 January 2020, eligible individuals with multiple employers will be able to apply to opt out of receiving super guarantee ('SG')...

Tax Alert: Division 293 Assessments
The ATO is issuing Division 293 assessments for liabilities arising in the 2018 income year, requiring additional tax to be paid by affected

Alert: Suburban scammers pushing illegal early access to super
The ATO has recently released an alert in relation to a new scam encouraging people to illegally access their super. They have advised...

2017/2018 Update: New Housing Measures - clarification on 'Downsizer Contributions'
Further to our recent post on the new housing measures coming into effect from 1 July 2018, further clarification has now been provided on w

2017/2018 Update: New Housing Measures Passed into Legislation
Parliament has passed legislation which will allow older Australians to 'downsize' and contribute the proceeds of the sale of their