Introducing… Natalie Tran, Associate Adviser

By now, many of you will have met OakWealth Associate Adviser, Natalie Tran. Diligent, professional and cheerful, Natalie has been a delightful addition to our growing team. Of course, in the same way we like to really get to know our clients, here at OakWealth, we want you to really get to know the team that is supporting you. So, in this blog post, we are getting up close and personal with Natalie!
Let’s start with the nitty gritty. Some of you are probably wondering what exactly she does, or what an Associate Adviser even is! While our Adviser works with you to develop that financial plan tailored to your needs, goals and aspirations, Associate Advisers assist with the implementation of your plan. If you recall the volume of paperwork required to implement your financial plan, you will know this is not a task for the faint-hearted! Natalie makes the phone calls, prepares the forms, checks the paperwork, dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s. She’s also your go-to person for questions during implementation, providing guidance on form signing in preparation for submission. When it comes to review time, Natalie is there to assist Yihsing check in on your financial health… all to ensure you stay on track to reach your financial goals. In a nutshell, our Associate Advisers are some of the most important cogs in the OakWealth wheel.
It’s certainly not a job for everyone and we don’t apologise for the exacting standards candidates need to meet to be appointed to this OakWealth role. After all, we seek to bring on board only those who are truly passionate about the work we do to support our clients achieve their financial dreams. Natalie says, “A big misconception about financial planning is that it is only about building wealth but it is actually a bigger picture than that. We care about what our clients actually want to achieve and the lifestyles they want to have. My favourite aspect of my role is being a part of our clients’ journeys, assisting them to set up their goals and implementing meaningful changes so that they can achieve the life they envision.” We couldn’t have put it better.
Of course, Natalie’s drive to make a difference to the financial futures of our clients isn’t accidental. Her story is actually quite humbling. Her parents came to Australia with nothing but the clothes on their back and although they worked hard their whole lives to provide for Natalie and her sisters, meeting everyday living expenses was stressful and saving towards retirement challenging. Natalie grew up wishing more for her parents. She chose to pursue a career in financial planning to help people achieve financial freedom so they can enjoy more of the things that truly matter – like spending time with family.
With that in mind, Natalie’s number one goal right now is completing her degree and to train towards one day becoming a full-fledged Financial Adviser. She’s already completed her Diploma of Financial Planning, and is on track to graduate with a combined Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Commerce (Financial Planning) degree early in the new year. We are looking forward to celebrating this achievement with Natalie.
And what of Natalie outside work? It turns out Nat is an avid dog lover - She tells us she spends as much time as she can outdoors, keeping fit with her family and her THREE dogs! Playing big sis to her younger sibling is also very much Nat, role modelling that consistent effort and perseverance gets you places in life. When time permits and the outdoors isn’t calling, you’ll probably find her indulging in her favourite Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn flicks, ‘Some Like it Hot’ and ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’.
Do listen out for Nat on your next call with OakWealth!